Rule – O + Was/were + Being + verb 3rd form + other word + by + subject.
- He was calling you.
- I were helping him.
- He was cleaning the room.
- We were plucking flowers.
- They were selling their horses.
- He was wearing old shoes.
- His father was bringing mangoes.
- The teacher was teaching Physics.
- You were throwing the ball.
- I were writing a letter.
- She was making dolls.
- We were reading newspapers.
- He was drawing a picture.
- The servant was beating the dog.
- He was making kites.
- He was singing a song.
- I were inviting the whole family.
- The teacher was taking attendance in the second period.
- The green grocer was selling fruits.
- Father was not spending money.
- I were buying mangoes.
- We were playing hockey.
- Hari was making kites.
- The merchant was selling sugar.
- Ram was watching movies.
- The teacher was calling the Loosi.
- The child was not eating apples.
- The masons were not building the house.
- He was serving his old parents.
- Sonam was not ironing her clothes.
- They were not attending to their work.
- The people were not listening to him.
- He was not singing a song.