Passive Voice of Imperative Sentences 

An  imperative sentences starts with  the first form of the verb.

Let + object + be + verb 3rd form + other words.

  1. Never tell lies.                        
  2. Put the box here .                            
  3. Don’t open the box.
  4. Buy some wool.            
  5. Do not think this.                   
  6. Make two kites.            
  7. Do not spend all the  money.         
  8. Forget all your sorrow.        
  9. Write fresh letters in English.
  10. do not waste your time.        
  11. Open the door.            
  12. Shut up your mouth.             
  13. Never disobey your parents.        
  14. Dig a hole near the wall.      
  15. Buy some good quality wool.
  16. Let her cook food.                 
  17. Let us forget the past.
  18. Do it.                              


  1. Ans. Let lies never be told.
  2. Ans. Let the box be put here.
  3. Ans. Let the box not  be opened
  4. Ans. Let some wool be bought.
  5. Ans. Let this not be though. (by you)
  6. Ans. Let two kites be made.
  7. Ans. Let all the money not be spent.
  8. Ans. Let all your sorrow be  forgotten.
  9. Ans. Let fresh letter be written in English.
  10. Ans.  Let your time not be wasted.
  11. Ans. Let the door be opened.
  12. Ans.  Let your mouth be shut up.
  13. Ans. Let your Parents never be  disobeyed.
  14. Ans. Let  a hole be dug near the wall.
  15. Ans. Let some good quality wool be  bought.
  16. Ans. Let food be  cooked by her.
  17. Ans.  Let the past be forgotten. (by us)
  18. Ans.  Let it be done.


  1. I know him .                                        
  2. I wrote him a letter.                        
  3. Please help me.                                 
  4. She kept me waiting.                         
  5. Some one  punished the boy.        
  6.  Post this letter.                                
  7. All his friends laughed at him.             
  8. We selected him  captain.             
  9. One should  keep one’s promise. 

Answer –

1. Ans. He is known to me.

2. Ans. A letter was written to him by me.

3. Ans. He should be helped.

4. Ans. I was kept waiting by her.

5. Ans. The boy was punished.

6. Ans. Let this letter be posted.

7. Ans. He was laughed at by all friends.

8. Ans. He was selected captain by us.

9. Ans. Promises should be kept

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