Aims of Teaching English

· According to Thomas and Wyatt : there are four specific aims of teaching English at the school stage.
· To listen: The first aims of English is to listen correctly what is spoken. A child should comprehensive the phone what are resided in the environment.
· To understand: It is effected with understanding of the sounds that are spoken in the environment by the teacher or anyone else.
· To speak: It deals with the reading what is written and to speak that is own works.
· To write: It is reflected with the writing of that which is written or spoken.

The aims of teaching can be divided into two part:
1. General aims 2. Particular aims
1 General aims: these are the long term aims of teaching English. These aims are meant to be achieved during the schooling period of the pupils,
The study of language has four aspects:
· The semantic aspect: It means the understanding of the meaning and its relationship as used in a sentence. It deals with comprehension.
· The phonetic aspects: It deals with the spelling and pronunciation of words.
· Graphic aspect: It is the writing aspect and deals with the reading aspect.
· Phonetic-cum-graphic aspect: It deals with the reading aspect.
2 Particular aims: Beside sgeneral aims the teacher should have definite, clear cut aims for each-lesson. These are called as objectives or short-term aims. These objectives should be precise, expressing and clear. The teacher may tell about his specifec aims to the students. For example:
i. If the teacher desires that his students should word written work, he should first give them oral drill about the written work they have to do subsequently.
ii. If the teacher wants to improve reading aloud by the students, he must perform a model reading himself.
Principle of Language Teaching
· Principle of naturalness.
· Principle of learning by doing.
· Principle of practice: Thorndike says “The language is skill which depends on a continuous practice.”
· Principle of imitation

· Principle of motivation and interest.
· Principle of habit formation: H.E. Palmer says “Language learning is essentially a habit-forming process during which we acuqire new habits.”
· Principle of ratio and sequence.
· Speech before writing.
· Basic sentences.
· Principle of selection and gragation.
Function of language
· Expressive function
· Informative function
· Directive function
· Interaction function
· Communication function
· Evolutionary function and
· Preservation function
Importance of language
· English as a language of business
· English in social life
· English is language of court
· History of language is the history of human civilization
· English as a library language
· English as a bista on the modern world
· English in education
· Inter-regional communication
Merits of teaching grammar
· Grammar is essential so for correct expression in a language is concerned.
· Language is a complex system. It has logic in form of grammar.
· It gives insight into the structures of the language.
· It is a systematized knowledge of a language.
· It provides a criterion for judging the correctness of language, as it is a theory of a language.
· Grammar teaching is essential if we want to proceed from concrete to abstract.
· Its importance in writing is undebatable.
· It helps in developing many mental abilities sucj as; reasoning, observation and concentration.
Suggestions for Successful Teaching of Grammar
· The lesson should be planned before hand.
· The material should be taken from the text-book.
· The method of teaching should be chosen keeping in view the age and general standard of students.
· Appropriate material aids should be used, e.g., pictures, flash-cards, substitution tables.
· Sufficient spoken and written work is essential.
· The teacher should be particular about the correction work in view the rule first then examples.
· For evaluation, the objectives type test should be used.
The Mechanics of Writing
The skill of developing writing is known as the ‘Mechanics of Writing’. It includes the following aspects:
· To know how to use the movements of hand.
· To know how to make strokes with proper hand movement.
· To learn how to give proper spacing between letters, words and sentences.

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