Rule – O + will/shall + have been + verb 3rd form + other word + by + subject
- The servant will have rung the bell.
- I shall have played football.
- A cat will have killed a rat.
- I shall have bought so many books.
- That boy will have stolen my chain.
- You will have solved the sums.
- The child will have drunk the milk.
- We shall have earned a lot of money.
- He will have called me.
- Mohan will have learnt English.
- We shall have earned a lot of Reputations.
- The clerk will have compared the statement.
- The volunteers will have buried the dead.
- The Principal will have mentioned my name.
- The children will have exploded the crackers.
- We shall have done our Homework.
- Vipin will not have abused me.
- Ajay will have broken the chair.
- Sharda will have sung a song.
- Sumit will have taken the test.
- The farmer will not have watered the fields.
- Priya will have cooked the food.
- Raaz will have spoken the truth.
- I shall have completed my book.
- He will have taken up the matter.
- He will have not visited the Taj Mahal.