Future Perfect  tense  

Rule –     O + will/shall + have been + verb 3rd form + other word + by + subject

  1. The servant will have rung the bell.
  2. I shall have played football.
  3. A cat will have  killed a rat.
  4. I shall have bought so many books.
  5. That boy will have stolen my chain.
  6. You will have   solved the sums.
  7. The child will have  drunk the  milk.
  8. We shall have  earned a lot of money.
  9. He will have called me.
  10. Mohan will have learnt English.
  11. We shall have  earned a lot of Reputations.
  12. The clerk will have  compared the statement.
  13. The volunteers will have buried the dead.
  14. The Principal will have mentioned my name.
  15. The children will have exploded the crackers.
  16. We shall have done our Homework.
  17. Vipin will not have abused me.
  18. Ajay will have broken the chair.
  19. Sharda will have  sung a song.
  20. Sumit will have  taken the test.
  21. The farmer will not  have  watered the  fields.
  22. Priya will have  cooked the food.
  23. Raaz will have spoken the truth.
  24. I shall have completed my book.
  25. He will have  taken up the matter.
  26. He will have not visited the Taj Mahal.

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